Supported SKALE Chains And Tokens

Information required for adding new SKALE Chains and tokens to MetaMask.

The SKALE ecosystem consists of a growing number of independent chains, linked by Metaport. Each new chain you use must be added to MetaMask. In most cases, you will be prompted to do this automatically by the dApps you use.

You will also need to add the tokens you want to use on each chain to MetaMask, since the token ids are different for every chain. For example, if you want to use USDC on both the Europa and Calypso SKALE Chains, you will need to add it to MetaMask for both of these.

The Bridge page of Ruby's website includes a list of SKALE Chains and the tokens supported by Metaport on each one, allowing users to add these quickly and easily to MetaMask.

[Further details to follow]

You can also find a complete list of SKALE Chains and relevant information at

Last updated